Sunday, June 17, 2012

"I have an idea for a business leasing puppies to single guys to help them get chicks. I'm going to have to do something with the pupppies once they grow up in to dogs though. So, if anybody knows where there's a building for lease next to a Vietnamese restaurant, hit me up." -Scott Smith

Friday, June 15, 2012

The Island of Lote

Maine is known for two things; Lobster and great authors. Emily Kinney is part of that great tradition. No, she's not a lobster fisherman! She's the author of The Island of Lote. A hilarious tale of teen romance set on a tropical island. Check it out on Goodreads and see why Emily Kinney is well on her way to becoming one of America's master storytellers. The Island of Lote 'Like' it on Facebook and get ready for a good time!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

"Too much 'Bim', not enough 'Bo'. If ya know what I mean..." -Scott Smith

Saturday, June 09, 2012

"Coffee is like coffee for the soul." -Scott Smith

Friday, June 01, 2012

"Did it sound like he had pee in his ear?" -Scott Smith

Pass it on...